Environmental Strategies Group, LLC

About Us
About Us
Environmental Strategies Group at a Glance
- Pioneering research-based and data-driven proactive environmental consulting
- We are a unique environmental consultancy
- We offer proactive environmental solutions
- Our focus areas are our signature proactive environmental management framework; our groundbreaking proactive environmental justice approach as a high-priority business strategy, and our environmental cost recovery services
- Our services are research-based and data-driven
- We research the use of new technologies and methods that helps our clients contribute to addressing Climate Change and reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in disadvantage communities
- We are passionate about serving our clients
- We are committed to providing the highest quality custom-tailored consulting services that fosters proactive environmental stewardship and sustainability.

With more than two decades of effective proactive research and successes behind us, Environmental Strategies Group has developed practical, reliable programs to transform almost any company or organization into a high-performing environmental standout. And we've built these programs for busy entities like yours.

Why Choose Us?
Why Choose Us?
Today's companies face tremendous environmental management and environmental justice challenges... we offer proactive solutions to help address these challenges
- Companies and organizations like yours often lack the time, budget, or resources to figure out how to exemplify environmental stewardship in today’s fast-changing environmental compliance marketplace. At the same time companies visibility and client loyalty are diminishing.
- Environmental leaders can struggle to learn and apply different strategic practices as competing duties demand your attention. The problem is widespread: manager-doers unable to build your environmental programs, environmental directors unable to reposition your company or organization’s environmental priorities, company leaders unable to agree on organizational strategies and funds. Meanwhile, the industry leaders always seem to find a way forward.
- To take your company or organization to the next level of compliance performance in this challenge-filled environment takes focus, expert guidance, and a lot of support.
- This is where we can help.
An Open Letter - Adopting a Proactive Approach to Resolving Environmental challenges, commitments and Obligations
An Open Letter - Adopting a Proactive Approach to Resolving Environmental challenges, commitments and Obligations
Dear Executives and Environmental Leaders,
Companies and organizations as many longstanding issues, but you can rest assured that Environmental Strategies Group with it's unique approach, will provide an effective solution to help solve those problems. Regardless of your location, our proactive environmental consulting assistance can be counted on.
After several years of researching the environmental industry and speaking with experts involved with environmental issues, we have found that continuous compliance with environmental rules and commitments has been an ongoing challenge. Although the problem is well understood, the underlying issues are often not so readily apparent. For example, in many cases our research as found that the key contributing factors why many companies and organizations are challenged by EPA rules and other requirements include:​​
- Not having a clear fundamental environmental management policy that goes beyond defining the basic purpose and heightened obligations of environmental issues throughout the company or organization's system.
- Not having a detailed plan that clearly defines and outlines criteria's by which environmental goals and mission will be achieved.
- Not taking a comprehensive and proactive approach that address and measure environmental performance progress.
- Reacting to environmental violations instead of anticipating and proactively addressing them.
- Environmental issues in many instances not viewed as "shared-responsibility."
- Not staying up-to-date with environmental rules, regulations and reforms.
These are some of the reasons we thought our unique proactive environmental consulting services may be of interest to companies and organizations nationwide.
Our Story
Our Story
Rainford Hunter is the founder and president of Environmental Strategies Group. He's an outside-of-the-box thought-thinker and a veteran environmental engineer who is currently pioneering the field of research-based and data-driven environmental solutions in the areas of proactive environmental management framework, proactive environmental justice ideas, and environmental/insurance cost recovery to help individuals and businesses proactively comply with local, state and federal environmental obligations.
Rainford's motivation is to demonstrate how using a proactive and systematic approach can significantly improve environmental compliance performance. An experienced environmental compliance consultant, he draws on his technical background and his own deep experience as a former state government regulator and has a passion for applying innovative solutions in solving complex environmental problems.
Our Founder and President
Our Founder and President
Together we can solve many environmental problems
Together we can solve many environmental problems

Rainford Hunter
Rainford Hunter
Founder and President
- He's a high-integrity, collaborative, roll-up-your-sleeve type who is deeply committed to environmental stewardship.
- He possess a combination of skills and experience that makes him stand out from other consultants, and engaging his service will make your environmental compliance life a lot easier.
- In his last few assignments as founder and president of Environmental Strategies Group; vice president of business development/environmental consultant, and business development manager at two law firms, he had the opportunity to further expand his management and technical experience in the development and implementation of new strategic and business development initiatives.
- He has a strong understanding of environmental compliance policy issues, and have been intimately involved with the development of numerous environmental compliance strategies.
- While working for a chemical distributor, he spearheaded the development and implementation of the company’s comprehensive environmental health and safety programs, including the development of its Risk Management and Process Safety Management Programs.
- In his capacity as a senior environmental manager and as acting director for the Office of Voluntary Compliance while working for the state environmental management agency, he played a lead role in the development of the agency's Small Business Technical Assistance Program, as well as the agency's larger Compliance and Technical Assistance Program and oversaw the writing of the program’s quality assurance and confidentiality policies. He supervised and managed several staff members while carrying out these functions.
- He has completed the ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Training, as well as the Hazardous Materials Executive Review Program.
- His M.S. degree in environmental engineering supports his strong analytical skills and his interpersonal, managerial, leadership, organizational, entrepreneurial, and communication skills are considered exceptionally strong.